Windrose means compass in English.

Bohemianism is a lifestyle that rejects certain restrictions of mainstream society, such as money and social etiquette, and prioritizes non-traditional community living and artistic endeavors. Includes musical, artistic, literary or spiritual pursuits. The term passed from French in the mid-19th century and was used to describe the unconventional lifestyles of artists, writers, journalists, musicians and actors in major European cities.

The emergence of Bohemianism is right after the French Revolution. Many artists and intellectuals who were unemployed for various reasons after the revolution were forced by the circumstances to choose a nomadic lifestyle and created colorful new clothes from old clothes with the limited resources they had. The style they created has been adopted throughout the world as Bohemism. The main characteristics of the Bohemian lifestyle include originality, creativity, inner peace and tolerance.

Why Windrose Bohemian?

Windrose Bohemian is a brand created by 2 female entrepreneurs who found the compass of their lives when they had the courage to be free, creative and colorful, just like a bohemian.

The first and main goal of the brand is to inspire the colorful creative lives of all women that reflect their inner free nature.

20% of our income is used to support the survival of stray animals.

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